• Messiah

    Follow that Star – Part 2

    JOY. When the sign leads to a discovery. JOY when your searching becomes finding. JOY. The Magi were filled with joy when the star led them to Jesus. In fact, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. WORSHIP. Their joy turned to worship. In humility they bowed before young Jesus. “They opened their treasures and presented him with gifts.” A picture of surrender, of not withholding from Him, even what is most precious to us. GIFTS. What is significant about the gifts? The Magi presented gifts to the one who would give the greatest gift: his life. They chose gifts that were typical and appropriate to honor a king at that…

  • Messiah

    Follow that Star – Part 1

    What is grabbing your attention these days?   Our pandemic stricken world is shaking. We’re being called to wake up. To open our eyes. To pay attention like never before. This is our chance to pause, breathe and notice the signs. To follow the sacred whisper calling us to a deeper awareness. Signs are meant to point us in a certain direction, but they can easily be missed. That’s why, although its not seasonal, there is a treasure for us in the biblical account of the Magi. Here we meet a group of first century scholars who had their eyes wide open. They noticed a sign. They followed a star.…